teacher's house in Tbilisi, Georgia!

teacher's house in Tbilisi, Georgia!

CPD Pilot Project!

CPD Pilot Project!

Serving young generations!

Serving young generations!

Hosting WSE in Tbilisi, Georgia!

Hosting WSE in Tbilisi, Georgia!

EL Teachers from Georgia!

EL Teachers from Georgia!

teachers' refresher course in Wimbledon, UK!

teachers' refresher course in Wimbledon, UK!

the end of the course at WSE, UK!

the end of the course at WSE, UK!


ინგლისური ენის სასკოლო ოლიმპიადებში მონაწილეობა!


1 comment:

  1. Teaching is the Journey of the Heart and the Unselfish Investment in the Potential and Dignity of Every Child!
